Charity publications

How to select an investment manager: A guide for charity trustees
In this guide, we have tried to distil the main points you will need to consider when choosing the right investment manager for your charity. There are a lot of variables to consider and a huge range of options available, so we hope you find this guide helpful.

Responsible capitalism: Benefiting society and investment returns
Capitalism itself is coming under threat as large swathes of society miss out on its benefits. In our latest research report we set out compelling reasons for every long-term investor to care about responsible capitalism, regardless of your views on the societal benefits.
We also take a look at how we’ve been putting this into practice over the past 10 years as signatories to the Principles for Responsible Investing, and why we see responsible investing as one the biggest areas of opportunity for long-term investors in the years ahead.

How to recruit trustees for your charity, a practical guide
Rathbones is delighted to have sponsored the production of this guide by Getting on Board, which aims to help charities navigate one of their most low profile, but high impact decisions - how to effectively recruit trustees to lead and govern their organisations. From assessing skills gaps in an organisation’s trustee board, to effective advertisement, to developing meaningful inductions for a new trustee, this guide seeks to demystify the process and promote the practice of open recruitment for charity boards.

Investment matters: A practical guide to CC14
Andrew Pitt has written this guide to CC14 (the Charity Commission’s guidance on investment matters to trustees), to provide a practical commentary on the main aspects of CC14 for trustees to think about as they consider their investments.

What to include in an investment policy statement
This document provides charities in England and Wales with some guidelines on what to include in an investment policy statement.

What to include in an investment policy statement
This document provides charities in Scotland with some guidelines on what to include in an investment policy statement

Income-only or total return investing?
Knowing the best available investment options is important for your charity. In this white paper we explore the advantages and disadvantages of an income-only and total return investment approach, and consider the factors that you should take into account when deciding which approach is the best to adopt.

Understanding investing: ethical and sustainable investment – a short guide for charities
A brief overview of ethical, sustainable and impact investing and the range of approaches that charities can take.

Basic ‘rules’ for long-term investors A short guide for charities
A brief overview of the typical long-term investment management cycle.
For more information on our services for charities, please contact Andy Pitt, head of charities – London, on 020 7399 0296.