The Earth Convention 2025 — Energy and Finance
Rathbones and Greenbank are delighted to partner with 5x15 for The Earth Convention 2025, a three-part series offering insights into the urgent issues facing our changing world. The first session ‘Energy and Finance’ will reflect on the future of energy.
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Earth Convention - The Four Elements: Air
In 'Air', Rosie Boycott chairs our panel of experts with Jared Farmer on ancient trees and atmospheres, Rathbone Greenbank's Kate Elliot, Rosamund Adoo-Kissi- Debrah on air pollution in cities and Gabrielle Walker on carbon removals.
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Earth Convention - The Four Elements: Water
The theme of the 2023 webinars is The Four Elements. Earth, Water, Air and Fire - bringing in experts from different disciplines to discuss the future of our planet at this critical time and examine what actions we can take to make a difference.
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Earth Convention - Four Elements: Earth
In 'Earth', Rosie Boycott speaks to Philip Lymbery - CEO of Compassion in World Farming, Isabella Tree - co-founder of the Knepp Project, Siddarth Shrikanth – nature investor and Sophie Lawrence - engagement lead at Rathbone Greenbank.
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Earth convention webinar: sustainable cities
In this session we explore which cities across the world are taking the greenest initiatives and showing the most promise. In the aftermath of COVID19 we see new patterns of work and commuting.
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Earth Convention webinar: natural capital, biodiversity and oceans
Earth Convention webinar: our panel explores how biodiversity – crucial to human, economic and planetary health – is declining faster than at any time in human history.
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Earth convention webinar: what we eat and why it matters
Earth Convention webinar: what we eat and why it matters. Our panel explores the global impact of the food system on the environment and climate change.
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Earth Convention webinar: consumers: fast fashion, manufacturing and plastics
Earth Convention webinar: our panel discusses fast fashion, consumers and manufacturing – our consumption patterns and the supply chains that feed them.
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Earth Convention webinar: Creating a green transition in energy and finance
Earth Convention webinar: watch our panel discuss creating a green transition in energy and finance.
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Earth Convention webinar: Time for a reset?
Earth Convention webinar: watch ‘Time for a Reset?’, to hear our panel discuss whether the COVID-19 crisis could be the defining moment in the fight against climate change.
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