Banking services

As a licensed deposit taker we are able to offer our clients a range of banking services including currency and payment services, and fixed interest term deposits. We also offer loans to our existing clients secured against their investment portfolios and in some cases other assets. These additional services are valued by our clients and are an important point of differentiation from many of our peers.

Client loans

There may be times when you need some financial flexibility, which is why we provide a loan service for our clients. Portfolio lending provides an alternative to selling investments when you have a short-term cash flow requirement. By borrowing against the value of your portfolio, you can raise the cash you need and keep your investments intact.

Portfolio lending can be a useful short-term source of funds. It could help to cover school fees, provide the bridging finance to complete a property transaction or settle tax liabilities, for example. Charity clients have used portfolio loans to fund capital expenditure projects such as the construction of new buildings.

With the favourable interest rates we offer our clients, a portfolio loan can be a competitive alternative to bank lending.

Loans can be arranged quickly through your investment manager. They are not suitable for every situation or client, so we consider them on a case-by-case basis. If we are unable to offer a portfolio loan, we will do our best to help you find another solution.

Current schedule of interest rates

Schedule of interest rates
Foreign currency schedule of interest rates