Planet Papers 1: A responsible recovery

We explore what it means to invest responsibly in our rapidly changing world, we make the case for a responsible recovery – building back better from COVID-19. 

23 September 2020

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The virus has had a profound and sudden impact across the planet, and it will continue to affect our lives and influence economic activity for some time to come. Amid the continued uncertainty, the problems that grabbed the world’s attention in 2019 – climate change in particular – are not going away. The nagging need for systemic reform of the global economy stays constant.

Indeed, the pandemic only highlights the weaknesses of the current system. But it could also be a catalyst for accelerating the move towards a more responsible capitalism, and an opportunity to direct stimulus towards building a more sustainable economy.

The response to COVID-19 has shown us that capitalism has enormous power for good when it comes to finding solutions to urgent medical needs. Before the pandemic came along, the world was already facing a crisis from the growing antimicrobial resistance to antibiotics, which we also explore in “A healthy recovery”, the final section of this report.


View the first in our series of Planet Papers: A responsible recovery 


Read our entire Planet Papers series here:

Planet Papers 2: Changing the planet   Planet Papers 3: A brand new world   Planet Papers 4: Feeding the planet   Planet Papers 5: The economic ecosystem    Planet Papers 6: Cities to the rescue

Planet Papers 7: Good COP, bad COP


Earth Convention webinar: Time for a reset?

Earth Convention webinar: watch ‘Time for a Reset?’, to hear our panel discuss whether the COVID-19 crisis could be the defining moment in the fight against climate change.

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