Share history
Rathbones Group Plc, company number 100403, began its life on 21 January 1971 when it was incorporated as Comprehensive Financial Services Limited. It became a public company on 7 August 1984, changing its name to Comprehensive Financial Services PLC.
In September 1984, 1,014,000 ordinary shares of 5p were placed and quoted on the Unlisted Securities Market at 85p per share, payable in full on application.
Following the acquisition of Rathbone Bros. & Co. Limited in 1988, the Company changed its name to Rathbones Group Plc on 29 September 1988.
In 1992 there was a 1 for 1 capitalisation issue for holders on the register on 27 May 1992. The whole issued share capital of the company (16,600,334 ordinary shares) was admitted to the Official List of the London Stock Exchange on 8 June 1992.
Ali Johnson, company secretary
Rathbones Group Plc
8 Finsbury Circus
London, EC2M 7AZ
Tel: 020 7399 0000
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